How we support


Meals keep us energized and ready to do what needs to be done. During the week we of Sun ‘n Fun there are many things happening all at once and many logistics needing taken care of. Having meals provided helps alleviate cost and logistics of eating for the missionaries and AMSA crew. The meals don’t have to be complex, just a warm meal to feed and give energy to our missionaries and crew.

Speaking Engagements

The missionaries do lots of different things while at Sun ‘n Fun. One aspect of their responsibilities is speaking in the community in and around Sun ‘n Fun. They speak in local schools, church services, small groups, bible studies, Sunday school classes, and local businesses about their organization and how people can get involved.


Hosting a missionary could seem like a big job, however is takes only a bedroom and a shower. You don’t have to feed them, we do that. You don’t have to drive them places, we do that. The missionaries work hard all day in the expo tent sharing the Good News and information about their organization to the attendees of Sun ‘n Fun. After a long day’s work they look forward to rest.